There are currently vacancies on the Board of Trustees of the ARICD.
There are currently a number of vacancies on the Board of Trustees of the ARICD and, therefore, we are looking for dynamic, enthusiastic Trustees who are committed to moving the policies and strategic direction of the ARICD forward in well-informed and innovative ways. Though our members are mainly paediatricians and psychologists, and the main focus is on children’s development and disabilities, we also welcome Trustee applicants who have a range of experiences that might bring different perspectives to our organisation such that our mission and vision can be successfully implemented. Trustees gain an understanding of how the organisation works and can influence it with support from other Trustees. Committee meetings are usually held virtually up to 6 times per year. Research, technical communication/social media/ IT skills would be particularly welcomed. All Trustees are expected to have good communication and interpersonal skills, and some experience of committee work and procedures. Role Description below. ARICD’s Mission is to provide tailored, blended learning opportunities for interdisciplinary health professionals working in children’s services. We advocate ongoing research regarding child development, its assessment, intervention and innovation, and in so doing enhance the wellbeing and quality of life for children and primary caregivers. Expressions of interest should be mailed, with a one-page CV, and the names of two referees, at least one of whom should ideally be a member of ARICD, to, before September 14, 2022. Applicants who have previously been a Trustee, who are reapplying to the Board within a six -year period do not need to send a CV or references but should supply a Proposer and Seconder. The Annual General Meeting at which Trustees will be elected will be on October 7th 2022.