Griffiths III is an updated and modernised version of the Griffiths Scales originally developed by Dr Ruth Griffiths. It provides an overall measure of the child’s development, as well as an individual profile of strengths and needs across five areas.
Who can be trained to use Griffiths III
Paediatricians, Paediatric trainees, and Psychologists
Paediatricians, Paediatric trainees, and Psychologists may be trained in the use of the Griffiths III Scales and can enrol directly for Griffiths III training on the ARICD website.
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)
AHPs (e.g., Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Specialist Nurses) may also apply if they are:
- Part of a Child Development Team, and
- Can be supervised by a Paediatrician or Psychologist experienced in the use of the Griffiths III Scales.
AHPs working independently are not eligible to be trained as Griffiths III users.
All AHPs interested in booking Griffiths III training must submit the following documents to before booking the eLearning:
- a completed Expression of Interest in Griffiths III Training form, and
- a letter of support from either a Psychologist or Paediatrician, who is Griffiths III trained, who will support their training and be available to support them in the interpretation of the Griffiths assessments after their training.
AHPs are unable to enrol on the Griffiths III Video Training Course until they have received approval from the Chair of the ARICD Training, Education and Equipment Committee that they have been accepted to undertake Griffiths III training. The Registration enables you to use the Griffiths III when working as a member of a Multi-disciplinary Team under the supervision of a Psychologist or a Paediatrician.
Teachers are not eligible to be trained as Griffiths III users.
Queries about whether professionals may or may not be trained in the use of the Griffiths III Scales should be directed to the ARICD Training, Education and Equipment Committee via .
Griffiths III Training Courses
The Griffiths III Training Courses are described here.
On successful completion of the Training Courses, the new user’s name will be placed on the database of Registered Griffiths III Users held by ARICD. Registered Griffiths III Users are eligible to purchase equipment and supplies from Hogrefe or other approved suppliers in your country.
If you have any queries about any aspect of the Griffiths III training, please contact